Saturday, November 13, 2010

Deer Hunting and Halloween

Wade did get a deer tag this year and was fortunate enough to fill it. We have already enjoyed some yummy steaks and are thankful for his efforts to feed his family. On the other hand, I could not let this particuliar method of bringing home the big game go un-noted. I was just sure that he hit this deer with his truck, but I did indeed find a bullet hole and the meat was edible. I still do not know how he rolled it up into such a nice and tidy ball to 'bungy' onto the 4-wheeler. The man's got skills.
We were in Dumont, CA at the sand dunes for Halloween so we carved pumpkins and went trick-or-treating out there. The kids had a blast - like always!

1 comment:

Diana said...

The deer.....too funny!